14.000 Tons./Year
Iron and steel castings obtained from single-use polystyrene patterns
Fond-Stamp S.p.A.
FOND-STAMP was established in 1967 as a cast iron foundry especially aimed to the production of castings for the machine tool sector. Then , over the years , it specialized in die castings and started to supply the Automotive Industry.
The main advantage of the productive process is the creation of single iron or steel castings starting by polystyrene patterns ( lost-foam ) up to the machining of rough surfaces.
With more than 50-years experience, Fond-Stamp is now able to supply the following four production fields:
• polystyrene model construction
• iron castings
• steel castings
• mechanical processing on castings

Our way to sustainability
Environment and Circular Economy
The activity of the foundry highlights in a good part of its processes the “circularity” of the economy, given in good part by the recycling industry and all the supply chains involved.
A large part of the raw material used in our production processes comes, in fact, from ferrous scrap and the reuse of waste from the same processes.
We have been applying for years a continuous, preventive and integrated environmental strategy toward processes, products and services in order to increase the overall efficiency and reduce the impact on ‘environment and man in view of circular economy.

Sustainable production
77% of the metal feedstock comes from recovered materials

95% of waste generated becomes raw material in other industrial processes

The long experience , together with the most modern and sophisticated technologies, allowed the Company to acquire a specific know-how, giving Fond-Stamp the opportunity to develop the most diversified productive solutions.


Code of ethics
Fond-Stamp S.p.A. is an industrial company which, due to its structure and size, the activities it manages and its links with the local area and the environment, plays a significant role with respect to the market, economic development, environmental protection and the well-being of the communities in which it is present, operating in a variety of institutional, economic, political, social and cultural contexts.

Environmental policy
Fond-Stamp recognizes ISO 14001 as a model to be followed for efficient management of environmental system that allows optimization of resources and environmental sustainability. Through ISO 14064 – “Carbon Footprint” we can monitor and certify the current situation and progress achieved in the containment of greenhouse gases.

Quality policy
The general objective of the management is to integrate the management of all business processes in order to ensure the best possible administration in order to improve QUALITY.

Safety policy
Since its establishment, Fond-Stamp SpA has always considered its personnel to be the main component of its production success. Safety in the workplace is therefore considered an essential and primary objective in order to ensure that all personnel can carry out their work duties in health and safety.