

EF Group actively collaborates with the main industry associations and research institutes.

Assofond is the trade association that represents Italian foundry companies: a sector that has more than 1,000 companies, which employ almost 30,000 people, generating a turnover of around 7 billion euros.
Founded in 1948 with the aim of developing the technological and economic know-how of the associated companies, but also to facilitate the rapid inclusion of the sector in the international economic reconstruction process that was starting in the years immediately following the Second World War, Assofond is a member of Confindustria and, at an international level, is a founding member of the European Foundry Association (CAEF).

Offical website:

In 2002, Assofond created the Assofond Energia consortium, to which all associated foundries can join. The consortium aggregates the demand for electricity and/or gas by purchasing the supply for all consortium members from year to year. The aggregation of purchased volumes makes it possible to obtain favorable market conditions and, through purchase portfolio management, to minimize the risk of price volatility.

Offical website:

Confindustria Brescia represents and protects entrepreneurs and businesses in the Brescia area. It offers widespread external representation and an integrated system of relations with local stakeholders.

Confindustria Brescia, with more than 100 years of history, is among the oldest industrial associations in Italy.

Official website:

With 430 member companies, ANFIA – the National Association of the Automotive Industry – is one of the largest trade associations in Italy. Founded in 1912, for over 100 years it has had the objective of representing the interests of the Associates in relation to public and private, national and international institutions and of providing for the study and resolution of technical, economic, fiscal, legislative, statistical and quality problems in the automotive sector

Offical website:

The Lombard Mobility Cluster Association is one of the nine Technological Clusters recognized by the Lombardy Region, of which it is the institutional interlocutor for Research and Innovation; it oversees the automotive, nautical, railway and intermodal sectors (transport and infrastructure).

Offical website:

AQM Srl is a non-profit company founded in 1982, with headquarters in Provaglio d’Iseo – Brescia which works with thousands of national and international metallurgical and manufacturing companies, developing excellent skills on industrial materials in various fields of application, on their production processes, on continuous improvement of the organization and on the implementation of integrated management systems according to international standards in the various fields of application

Offical website:

Under the patronage of the RAMET Consortium, 22 metallurgical companies in Brescia have come together in a common project for the study and monitoring of the impact of their production activities on the workplace and on the territory.

Research, transparency and dialogue are the guidelines of the Consortium which currently involves almost all the companies operating in Brescia and its Province in programs of interventions aimed at protecting the environment.

Offical website: