A bold direction


EF Group has made the decision to contribute even more than in the past to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, aligning its business model even more closely with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), defined by the policy document developed by the September 2015 Sustainable Development Summit involving the 193 member countries of the United Nations.

Our Vision

We are a solid and strategic partner. We develop innovative solutions based on a strategic vision of sustainability, research and continuous evolution

Call to action

The 17 goals, articulated in more than 160 specific targets to be achieved by 2030, involve not only institutions but a variety of actors, including businesses. For all of them, they represent a real call to action in crucial areas such as combating hunger and poverty, producing clean energy, protecting and conserving water resources, raising awareness toward responsible and conscious consumption, and promoting access to health and education.

Specific Goals

As far as our sector is concerned, the specific objectives are, among others, occupational safety and worker welfare, adoption of sustainable production models and mitigation of environmental impacts. These are key commitments for companies in the sector.

7 Target

An in-depth analysis of the 169 reference targets for the material issues identified as priorities for the company was carried out, so as to select Goals and targets applicable to its business model: thus, 7 targets were identified, which can be pursued in integration with the business and are applicable to all links in the company’s value chain.

Our Commitments

The fundamental issues of EF Group


Emissions, Energy, Waste, Raw materials, Environmental compliance, Renewable sources


Occupational health and safety, Training and enhancement of human capital, Corporate welfare, Employment support, Sustainable governance, Diversity and equal opportunity, Involvement and focus on communities


Research and innovation, Product safety and quality, Customer satisfaction, Ethical and responsible compliance, Market presence, Supply chain, Economic value generated

Creating shared value

An increasingly strategic and articulated path of sustainability, which aims at the progressive integration of ESG issues in every aspect of the company’s business: from policies in favour of people to the expansion of activities related to environmental sustainability in order to achieve increasingly ambitious goals, with a view to sharing and transparency towards all stakeholders such as employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers and communities in all the territories in which it operates.

Enrico Frigerio

CEO EF Group S.p.A.

“In a complex and delicate historical period like the one we are going through, I want to thank all our collaborators for always accepting the challenges and everyday changes with commitment, competence and with a common mission, to be sustainable.”